Infographics Blog on Key Corporate Training Statistics In 2020

Corporate training, in one form or the other, has become an indispensable part of the employees' schedule at the modern workplace. The reason is the numerous benefits that corporate training brings to the entire enterprise, including the employees. Some of these benefits include increased employee engagement levels in the organisation, higher levels of productivity and reduced cost to the company, among others. Well-planned and well-executed corporate training management can be of great value, and is considered to be a bigger motivation factor for employees to continue working for an organisation, when compared to higher pay. No wonder, training programs have contributed towards reduction in employee attrition rate.

Given below are a few statistics on corporate training that you should know.

The benefits of Corporate training management are many and what enterprises need is an automated training management system that makes it easy for the HR to plan and organise training sessions for the employees on a regular basis.

Digital HRMS is an example of a HR management software with an online training management system that takes care of the training needs of the employees and also offers numerous features to facilitate streamlined corporate training management. The training management system of the Digital HRMS HR management software is a highly advanced module designed for streamlined corporate training management that can be successfully used to manage every step of the training process, right from analysing and identifying training needs to conducting training and collecting feedback. Here is a quick glance at the multiple advanced functionalities of the Digital HRMS training management system that make it the ideal solution for corporate training in enterprises today.

•    Provision for employees to take online trainings on the 
training management system itself, at their convenient pace and time.
•    Graphical representation of training calendar for easy tracking of trainings and enrolments.
•    Provision to track status of training nomination requests at a glance on the dashboard of the training management system.
•    Online trainings showcased in a tile format with thumbnail images and other relevant details, make the training management system really user friendly.
•    Provision for employees to complete pre as well as post assessments on the same 
training management system portal.
•    Availability of all training-related details on a single platform for ease of planning.

Thus, it can be safely concluded that corporate training 
management is essential for enterprises today in order to encourage employees by offering an opportunity to grow and learn as they work for the organisation. It all begins with identifying the training needs of employees and designing training sessions that cater to those needs.

Want to know how your enterprise can implement effective corporate training management? All you need is an advanced HR management software like Digital HRMS that offers a powerful training management system. Visit our website or drop us an email on

Sources: U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics, Middlesex University, Huffington Post, Statista, Forbes