How Digital HRMS is the Solution to Challenges in Distribution of Resources for Different Projects

Organisations today are handling multiple projects for multiple clients simultaneously. This calls for effective utilization of all the resources in the organisation so that none of the resources are overworked and at the same time, there are not too many resources who are idle. In other words, it is the effective management of resources in the organisation, so that every project gets the right number of resources with the desired skillset.

However, the allocation or distribution of resources is not an easy job and this responsibility often lies with the Human Resource Department. Given below are the key challenges faced by the HR when allocating resources in the organisation.

  • Effectively sharing resources between multiple projects in case there is a shortage of resources with a specific skillset.
  • Ensuring every project gets the required number of resources and there are no resources being underutilized or not utilized at all.
  • Capacity to cater to emergency situations in case there is a sudden change in deadline or change in the requirements of the project.
  • Consistent monitoring of resources and their availability to prevent the delay in project delivery due to unavailability of resources.

The challenges mentioned above make the role of a resource allocation manager more complex than it appears to be. So, what is the solution for optimal utilization of resources in an organisation and what can the resource allocation manager do? The answer is an advanced HR software like Digital HRMS that offers a dedicated resource allocation module to take care of every aspect of the distribution and management of resources.

An automated HR software like Digital HRMS can help because, to begin with, it automates the resource allocation process and makes it easy for the resource allocation manager to keep track of resources and even search for resources with a specific skillset in just a few clicks. Given below are the key features of the resource allocation module of Digital HRMS.

  • Allows Admin to manage access and permissions for the Resource Allocation process in a few clicks
  • Provision for the RAS provider to end previous allocation and add new allocation to a resource from a single interface
  • Provision for the RAS provider to bulk extend resource allocations
  • Provision for the RAS provider Confirm Weekly Resource Allocation
  • Provision to track Shared resource allocation with ease, as part of the resource allocation process
  • Provision for complete as well as partial resource allocation
  • Provision to track Resource Allocation History with ease
  • Multi-level claims can be maintained per user for revenue/sensitive data

Want to discover more about how the resource allocation module of Digital HRMS can help your HR team manage allocation if resources with ease?

Visit our website or drop us an email on and our team will get in touch with you. Now, get Full access to Digital HRMS Free for 90 Days. Available for Limited Period only.

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