Debunking Common Myths about AI in Human Resources

Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has had one of the most significant impacts on multiple business operations. As enterprises move towards digitalization, automation of business processes has become the norm. Artificial intelligence, as we know it, is the next level of automated business processes. Right from enterprise search to software testing, there are multiple areas where artificial intelligence is helping enterprises achieve the next level of results.

The human resources department is one of the key departments in every organisation and today we are witnessing automation of HR processes for increased efficiency and productivity. This has been possible with the help of the new age HR software. Digital HRMS is an example of an HR software that seamlessly automates HR functions and is powered by AI. With the advent of HR technology, AI is becoming a part of how human resources operates.

However, just when a new technology is introduced, it takes time for us to understand its significance and the partial understanding is the cause of myths and misconceptions. Here we shall look at some of the common myths about artificial Intelligence in Human Resources and the truth behind them.

Myth 1: AI will Replace HR Professionals

As AI is fast emerging as the technology of the future in the field of human resources, there are many HR professionals who fear that the future will witness AI technology replacing the "human" element in human resources.

What's the truth?

While one cannot deny the role played by AI technology in human resources today, the fact is that AI is there only to make it easy and effortless for the HR professionals and not to take away their jobs. Experts say that the future will be all about the HR professionals with knowledge of AI getting the upper hand over those who don't.

Myth 2: Implementation of AI Technology in Human Resources is Expensive

Since AI is a buzzword, many entrepreneurs and HR professionals still believe that implementing AI technology in human resources can be an expensive affair.

What is the truth?

There is good news for the entrepreneurs and HR professionals who wish to implement AI technology in human resources. Today, we have advanced HR technology in the form of the new age HR software platforms. These platforms are powered by artificial intelligence, enabling them to help HR teams overcome their challenges. A great way to apply AI technology in HR, many of these tools are customisable which means they allow the enterprises to pay for only the modules they need, without having to bear additional costs. Digital HRMS is an example of a tool that serves this purpose.

Myth 3: AI Technology in Human Resources is only about Efficient Recruitment

The domain of recruitment has been one of the earliest areas where artificial intelligence has been successfully implemented with great results. So, many HR professionals are of the opinion that it is only in the area of recruitment where we can witness benefits of AI technology in HR.

What is the truth?

Recruitment is just one of the many ways in which AI can positively impact the efficiency and productivity of the human resources department. Performance assessment, employee search, onboarding, HR Data Analytics, are some of the few other areas of human resources where AI can make a significant impact. However, there is more to AI technology in HR than recruitment alone.

Myth 4: AI is Synonymous with Robots

There are many people out there who believe that introduction of AI technology in human resources implies that there will be robots roaming around in the office premises.

What is the truth?

It's time we realised that artificial intelligence is already there all around us in many forms. Right from our smartphones to the long list of smart devices that we use today, AI is everywhere. So, when we talk about the use of artificial intelligence in human resources, it implies introduction of the new age HR Technology like Digital HRMS that are powered by AI, and not robots.

Want to discover more about how Digital HRMS can help your HR team leverage the power of AI technology in human resources for streamlined employee management?

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