5 Things to Expect from a HRMS Recruitment Gateway

Recruitment is one of the key functionalities of the human resources department of any organization. As important as it is, recruitment is also very complex and demands a lot of time and effort of the HR team. With hundreds of applicants for a single job post, sorting all their resumes, going through each resume for the shortlisting process, and then managing the many rounds of interview process, can be tedious and meticulous. In such a scenario, automation of the entire process can make things a lot simpler, easier and hassle free. The new age HRMS platforms have made this possible as they offer a comprehensive recruitment gateway. This makes one wonder what exactly is the recruitment module and what to expect from one.

Taking a closer look at the recruitment management system of HRMS software.

1] Resume Parsing
Organizations today receive applications for jobs that are not currently open. However, they would not like to ignore the applicants completely either because who knows, there can be a promising candidate who would be a great fit for the company, in case theirs is an opening in the near future. This is where the resume parsing capability of the HRMS software can come to the rescue. With this feature, the recruitment gateway automatically sorts through the resumes, extracts essential data (name, address, contact details, key skills, etc.) and maintains a database for the same for future reference.

2] Provision for Customization
Now, it’s a fact that different organizations have different approach to requirement management system and so the new age Human Resource Management software offer organizations to customize the recruitment module as per their policies and requirement. Of course, certain aspects remain the same, such as the screening process, but the number of rounds of interviews and even the mode of interview – telephonic, via Skype or face-to-face – can vary. So, it’s essential to have some flexibility to accommodate the individual needs of the business.

3] Candidate Tracking
One of the most sought after and also most useful features, candidate tracking can help the HR team save a whole lot of time. In simple words, candidate tracking is all about keeping a track on which stage of the interview process the different candidates are. This feature allows the team to get all the information with just one look at the interview dashboard.

4] Link to Website Career Page
Nowadays, the recruitment module does not function independently but can be linked to the career page of your website for easy sync of data. This way, the recruitment gateway fetches the details of the candidates who apply through the career page. It also means that the status of the job postings can be automatically updated. Not just that, organizations today can link their HRMS software to all the job portals and manage the entire recruitment drive from a single location.

5] Link to Social Media Platforms
Last but not the least, HRMS platforms today even allow organizations to link the recruitment module to all the major social media platforms. After all, this is an age where social media rules and a presence on social media is something that businesses cannot ignore. The software integrates with the social media accounts of the business and fetches candidate details, posts job openings. After all, social media is where companies can expect to find the brightest millennial minds!

That was all about the most important features of the HRMS recruitment management system as we know it today. Some HRMS software may not offer one or more of these features. Also, every organization may not require all of these features in the HRMS tool and so it’s alright if they choose a tool accordingly.